Adversary Village
BSides San Francisco 2024

City View at Metreon, San Francisco.
May 4-5, 2024.

Adversary Village at BSides San Francisco 2024!

Join us for cool hands-on activities and workshops primarily focused on Adversary simulation, Purple teaming, Adversary Tradecraft, Threat/APT/Ransomware emulation, Breach and adversary attack simulation etc.

Adversary Village Keynote Speaker
Vivek Ramachandran

Founder of SquareX | Founder of Pentester Academy (Acquired)
Keynote talk title: The Emperor Has No Clothes: Unveiling the Inefficacies of Webmail Attachment Scanners
May 4 | 11:00 AM | Village stage

Choose-your-own-Adversary-Adventure Tabletop Game

Adversary Village area | May 4-5, 2024 [Saturday-Sunday] | 09:00 to 17:00

Adversary Adventure is a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure model interactive game, where everyone can participate and choose various tasks. The participants can choose to play as an attacker who performs adversarial activities against a target, a defender who deals with a potential breach, as a CISO who is managing a ransomware attack, or even as management executives going through a table-top exercise.

Dakshitaa Babu

Security researcher & product evangelist at SquareX
Talk title: The Emperor Has No Clothes: Unveiling the Inefficacies of Webmail Attachment Scanners
May 5 | 11:00 AM | Village stage

Adversary Guru talk
Phillip Wylie

Podcast host, Author and Offensive Security Mentor
Adversary guru talk title: The way of the Adversary
May 5 | 13:30 to 14:00 | Village stage

Hands-on workshop
Abhijith 'Abx' B R

Founder of Adversary Village
Workshop title: Kickstarting adversary emulation engagements
May 5 | 14:00 to 16:00 | Village stage

Hands-on workshop
Erik Hunstad

Founder of Bad Sector Labs and project
Workshop title: Ludus: The easiest way to deploy dev/test infrastructure
May 5 | 16:00 to 16:30 | Village stage

Hands-on workshop
Filipi Pires

Security Researcher and Cybersecurity Advocate at senhasegura
Workshop title: Unmasking cyber adversaries: A deep dive into malware analysis of PE files and PDF documents
May 5 | 16:30 to 17:00 | Village stage

Adversary Simulator and Purple Teaming hands-on booth

Adversary Village area | May 4-5, 2024 [Saturday-Sunday] | 09:00 to 17:00

Adversary Simulator booth has hands-on adversary emulation plans specific to a wide variety of threat-actors and ransomware, these are meant to provide the participant/visitor with a better understanding of the Adversary tactics. This is a volunteer assisted activity where anyone, both management and technical folks can come-in and experience different categories of simulation, emulation and purple scenarios.

Adversary Simulator booth will be having a lab environment focused on recreating enterprise infrastructure, aimed at simulation and emulating various adversaries. Visitors will be able to view, simulate and control various TTPs used by adversaries. The simulator is meant to be a learning experience, irrespective of whether one is hands-on with highly sophisticated attack tactics or from the management.

Adversary Village at
BSides San Francisco 2024

Gold Sponsor

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