
Adversary Village

jay Turla

Manager, Security Operations at Bugcrowd

Jay Turla is a Manager, Security operations at Bugcrowd Inc., and one of the goons of ROOTCON. He has been acknowledged and rewarded by Facebook, Adobe, Yahoo, Microsoft, Mozilla, etc. for his responsible disclosures. He has also contributed auxiliary and exploit modules to the Metasploit Framework: Host Header Injection Detection, BisonWare BisonFTP Server Buffer Overflow, Zemra Botnet CnC Web Panel Remote Code Execution, Simple Backdoor Shell Remote Code Execution, w3tw0rk / Pitbul IRC Bot Remote Code Execution, etc. He used to work for HP Fortify where he performs Vulnerability Assessment, Remediation and Advance Testing.

Panel discussion: Resilient cyber space: The role of hacker and security communities

How do security communities help the information security industry and professionals? Why does the security industry need open security communities and forums? The relevance of such communities in standardizing Vulnerability disclosures Building frameworks and tools etc

Recorded Live 📼