
Adversary Village

Shantanu Khandelwal

Manager, KPMG Singapore

Shantanu is a Manager in the Cybersecurity Consulting practice in KPMG. He has experience in leading and performing Adversary Simulation exercises, Security Testing, and IT Security consultancy. He has worked in the Banking and Financial sectors, the Power and Utility sector, and the FMCG sector. He has led and performed various technical assessments, including Red/Purple Teaming, Security Architecture reviews, Application penetration tests, Network penetration tests, and source code reviews for many global multi-national companies. He has experience working in various world regions, including the Middle East, India, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

Tool demo: Red Team Credentials Reconnaissance (OLD with a TWIST)

This talk covers the basics of credentials reconnaissance performed for a red team. Mostly covers the reconnaissance performed on GitHub to search for leaked passwords by developers. The current toolset and the Shiny new GitHub Credentials Stroller which dives into each repository and performs a deep scan.

Recorded Live 📼