Join us for Adversary Village Sandbox at RSAC 2025!
Adversary Village is a community initiative focused on adversary simulation, offensive cyber security tradecraft and purple teaming. The sandbox will feature talks, live demos, gamified table-top exercises, adversary/ransomware simulator, guided breach simulation, panels, and hands-on activities.
Cyber attacks ranging from sophisticated ransomware to state-sponsored breaches have targeted critical infrastructure and major organizations, driving escalation in security efforts. Despite advanced tools, no organization is immune to adversaries. This panel will review the key breaches of 2024, discuss ongoing issues, and strategies for improving incident response, containment, and defense.
Adversary adventure is a story-scenario based, interactive, cyber war-gaming, choose-your-own adventure model interactive game. This is a gamified version of table-top exercises which is presented to the participants as they can choose to play as an attacker, post exploitation OR a Defender who is defending against an attacker group-threat actor OR even play as a CISO who is dealing with an adversarial situation such as a ransomware incident.
This area will feature guided breach simulation exercises for participants to engage with. There will be two activities, "Breach-the-Hospital" and "Breach-the-Office," based on two LEGO sets. A simulated cyber range will be available for each scenario, providing an exact replica of an enterprise production environment. We will provide a detailed walkthrough of the attack scenarios, including Tools-Techniques-and-Procedures (TTPs) commands and how-to guides, demonstrating how to attack and breach the hospital's infrastructure or the office environment.
The participants who complete the exercises and come to the top place will be rewarded with exciting goodies.
Short interactive table-tops and roundtable discussions focused on offensive cyber security, adversary attack simulation, and incident response. These sessions bring together industry experts to explore real-world attack scenarios, tactics, and defense strategies. Participants would collaborate, share insights, and strengthen their approach to handling cyber threats and incidents effectively.
Adversary Simulator booth has hands-on adversary emulation plans specific to a wide variety of threat-actors, ransomware; these are meant to provide the participant/visitor with a better understanding of the Adversary tactics. This is a volunteer assisted activity where anyone, both management and technical folks can come in and experience different categories of simulation, emulation and purple scenarios. Adversary Simulator booth will be having a lab environment focused on recreating enterprise infrastructure, aimed at simulation and emulating various adversaries. Visitors will be able to view, simulate and control various TTPs used by adversaries. The simulator is meant to be a learning experience, irrespective of whether one is hands-on with highly sophisticated attack tactics or from the management.
Join Adversary Village official Discord server to connect with our amazing community of adversary simulation experts and offensive security researchers!